Atopic dermatitis
For an acute treatment of the atopic dermatitis bout, acupuncture and in particular also local bleeding can be helpful. But the treatment of choice of the endogenous eczema, which has a lasting effect by going deep to the roots of the disease, is clearly associated with the use of herbal ointments. Individually composed dispensings from raw drugs are applied as decoction. This method requires a diagnosis done in the manner of the Chinese medicine. Thereby, the anamnesis of the condition and feeling of the patient and his pre-infect history plays the central role. However, in the case of atopic dermatitis one will not be content using those given topics, but the diagnosis will be extended profitably by an analysis of the skin morphology.
The therapy then runs - simplified - in three periods which follow one after each other:
- The relieve from inflammatory substances primarily over the intestine.
- The reactivation of former respiratory infections and the training of the patient for a physiological effective infectious behaviour.
- The reconstruction, the healing and the nutrition of the damaged skin and the mucous membranes.
Duration and success of the therapy depend primarily on the age of the patient and, understandably, on the duration and intensity of the anti-inflammatory pretreatment. In difficult cases, a stationary treatment has proven of value as an entrance into the therapy of atopic dermatitis with Chinese medicine.